𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐏𝐋𝐄 𝐎𝐅 days that followed the failed Harvest ritual weren't as bad as they should have been. Ophelia had expected things to play out the same way they did when she had lost Kai; she expected the loneliness to set in, she expected to scream until her throat finally had enough and she expected herself to find a way to make the pain stop.
But she didn't. Marcel came by the same night; the pair didn't speak, they simply sat in one another's company and drank until Ophelia passed out from the mixture of alcohol and fatigue. Rebekah visited and offered her condolences, telling the siphon that she would always be there for her.
Klaus came by and before he could utter a word, Ophelia read his face perfectly; he was guilty and wanted to apologize. She had told the man that she knew it wasn't his fault, he was simply the catalyst that sped up the arrival of the inevitable, but she also told him to keep his distance.
Klaus was the easiest to blame, the easiest to point a finger at and that was exactly what she told him. That her anger wasn't for him, he was just the easiest target to throw it at.
Hayley barely left the siphon's bedroom and the two became closer over the couple of days. Hayley had spilled why she had been acting rather odd for the previous days; she had overheard the conversation about Celeste between Ophelia and Elijah back at the bayou and when Sophie explained that she could become an elder by consecrating a powerful witch's bones; Hayley's mind went to Celeste. The wolf had invaded Elijah's privacy and snooped her way through his journals to find where the witch had been buried.
Ophelia had told the wolf outright that she had made the wrong choice, that she should have just asked the original, for she was certain he'd happily divulge. They had mulled about, Hayley eventually asking Ophelia to 'serenade' her, a comment that managed to draw out a small laugh from the siphon before she agreed and tapped away at the keys.
As for Elijah, he stopped by whenever he could, leaning in the doorway, waiting for the siphon and the wolf to actually notice him amidst their deep conversations, listening to the notes of the piano that flowed through the room as well as delivering some of his favorite pieces of sheet music, something that actually managed to bring a small spark of the light into her eyes again.
That black hole that festered deep within her heart still pained her, and the moment the company that stuck to her side like glue, left... that's when he tears and the anger came. That's when droplets of salty water would seep into her pillows and all whimpers would be forced to stay inside. It ached her, her body was numb the second she was alone, all thought of Davina — the little witch that saved her and the tiny sliver of humanity she had — would cripple her entirely.
Ophelia appreciated everything immensely, of course, it took her mind off the fact that Davina was gone, it also helped that nobody was doting on her, everything was pretty much the same. Rebekah always stopped by for a quick hello, Hayley would always stroll in Ophelia's bedroom like she owned the place, ready to make herself comfortable and Elijah was always around, though his visits were more frequent. She chalked it up to the fact that she had broken down in his arms and he was simply making sure that she was okay; which she appreciated, especially due to the fact that it wasn't a direct approach with a bombardment of questions.
Finally, after a couple of days, Ophelia had agreed to take a stroll with both Elijah and Rebekah. The fresh breeze was certainly something she missed after cooping herself up, but she needed those days to completely empty her system of tears before she bothered to leave.
The grieving needed to happen, and now the rebuilding needed to happen. She had other people she cared about, that was what was keeping her afloat this time... and she had promised Davina that she would be happy, it would be hard, but she could break that promise.
"Now, you may doubt him, but today, I saw Niklaus demonstrate mercy towards an enemy. Tell me that's not progress." Elijah spoke, addressing Rebekah who rolled her eyes at her ever-optimistic brother.
Klaus, within his position of power, had decided to undo Marcel's sentence that fell upon Thierry's head and released him from the garden; something that had surprised them all.
Rebekah scoffed as she brushed her hair away from her face, "Please, Elijah. Who do you think convinced Klaus to let Thierry out?"
"Why would you do such a thing?"
"Because, despite Klaus' reprieve, Thierry despises him. I like that about Thierry. I also like that he used to date a witch, so he knows about French Quarter covens. Maybe he can lead me to whoever stole off with the Harvest magic."
"Rebekah, we are all devastated by the outcome of this ritual."
Ophelia, who was a few steps ahead spun on her heel, her face stoic, "There was no outcome, Elijah. That much magic doesn't just vanish, somebody stole it... that kind of magic is to resurrect, bring somebody back to life. Four girls are dead, that means that four other people, the wrong people, were brought back."
"How can you be certain?" He questioned as he fell in line with the siphon.
"I'm from a family of witches, witches are here to bring balance; four die and four rise, that's just how it is. You can't change the nature of magic."
"Well," Rebekah spoke from behind them, rolling her eyes at being left behind as the two turned to face her. "If you're right, I for one would like to know who, and then I'd like to make an ally out of them."
Ophelia took a step forward, her face completely bare of emotion; that dead look that was enough to intimidate the original was present in her eyes, "If I find anyone who isn't meant to be alive, anybody who could have been brought back by the magic that was supposed to bring Davina back, I'll take their magic and I'll kill them." Her brows furrowed together, "I have no doubt in my mind that the magic would flow back into the earth and revive the ones who were supposed to be resurrected."
"Ophelia, I'm tired of being threatened and controlled by our tyrant brother. If you want to stop a bully, you need the power to stand up to them."
"You won't get that power." Her tone held finality. She was ninety-nine percent certain that if those who did rise with the help of the harvest magic died once more, then the girls would be returned to the land of the living.
If she managed to get a single hand on any of them, she'd kill them without hesitation.
Elijah's eyes glanced between the brunette by his side and his little sister, an almost tired sigh falling from his lips as he addressed his baby sister, "I expect such behavior from Niklaus. It's so very disappointing when it comes from you, Rebekah. Do you not see that, in his way, he's making an effort here? He's invited us back into our family home. He yearns for our family to be reunited."
Ophelia wasn't quite on board with what Elijah was saying; yes she believed that Nik wanted his family by his side, but it seemed as if his lust for power was overshadowing his love for his family. They could only hope that the baby Mikaelson would tip the scales when she finally came into the world.
"Yes. He's in a brilliant mood now, but for how long?" Rebekah spoke, aggravated. "It's his trick, Elijah. He lulls you into a false sense of camaraderie and kinship, and then he turns on you like a snake. I fall for it every time and wind up with a dagger in my chest for my trouble. No more."
"I believe that he is approaching some semblance of peace here. Leadership may, in fact, be a good thing for him. Now, sister, please, I ask you, if you cannot support him, then at least do nothing to provoke him."
The blonde shook her head, a harsh scoff sent in her brothers' direction before she spun on her heel and headed in her own direction, leaving Ophelia and Elijah behind. The latter of the two ran a hand down his face and a deep exhale left his mouth.
"How does it feel to be the big brother?" Ophelia muttered with a hint of amusement as she stared at the suited original who turned with a tired smile.
"Exhausting." his small smile stretched further as he held out his arm for the woman to take, which she did, with slight hesitance and narrowed eyes, "I believe I owe you a visit to the best café in New Orleans, Miss Parker."
With an amused eye roll, Ophelia hooked her arm through his, and with a hum, she nodded, "You do. So, where are you taking me?"
"That, my dear, is a surprise."
Now, Ophelia knew New Orleans rather well; after all, she did spend nineteen years in isolation in the city. So, as she allowed Elijah to lead her onto another bustling street, she had an idea of where he was taking her and as they slowly came to a stop outside a café, she couldn't help but laugh.
His gaze snapped to the melodic sound, "What is it?"
"You'll see."
The bell above the wooden door chimed lightly as the two stepped inside the sweet-smelling shop, and before they could even reach the counter that had various packaged pastries and sweet treats lining it, a man grinned and called out, "Ophelia!"
Ophelia offered a smile back, stifling the laugh that was bubbling from Elijah's look of confusion as she addressed the owner of Café Beignet... the café that she was most certainly a regular at, "Hello, Frank."
"You haven't been in for the past couple of weeks, got worried something happened to you..." the sweet, older man's gaze trailed to Elijah and the pairs intertwined arms as a coy smile appeared, "And now I see why."
Ophelia shook her head at the man's comment before she introduced Elijah who promptly stuck his hand out to shake. Frank, being the man that he was, gripped Elijah's hand with both of his, shaking it with a large smile, "Be careful with this one, she can put away nine beignets in one sitting."
Elijah blinked as the two retracted their hands, an amused smile dusting his lips as he looked down at the siphon, "Nine? That's rather impressive."
"I'll bring some over! Lia? Earl grey or a mimosa?"
"Why don't you find a seat? I'll be right over." Elijah spoke up and Ophelia rose a brow before nodding.
The siphon made her way towards one of the free seats by the window, each table had a small glass bottle with a single fresh lily, the seats were mismatched and colorful with patterned cushions resting against the backs of the chairs and the window had fairy lights hanging around the edges.
It was a beautiful little place; it was calming to sit in such a nice atmosphere with the smell of pastries and lilies floating around in the air and being able to sit by the window; watching as the city bustled with life.
It honestly felt like it had been far longer than a few weeks since she had been inside the café; everything had suddenly been disrupted and her help was needed here, there and everywhere. Troubles with pregnant wolves to original vampires... she needed a break, and thankfully, Elijah was providing her with one.
"I settled for the earl grey," Elijah spoke as he placed two cups of steaming tea on the table, prompting her attention to snap to him.
Ophelia chuckled as she pulled one of the cups towards her, a slice of lemon floating in the tea; just how she liked it. "No day drinking?"
"I can only assume that my family will interrupt at some point or another; might be best to have a clear system." he smiled as he took a seat, undoing his suit jacket as he did.
"Mm, the alcohol might help me through it." she brought the tea to her lips and could definitely taste the copious amount of honey that Frank always stirred into the tea for her; four teaspoons of honey and a slice of lemon. The liquid soothed her throat that was still slightly raw from the sobbing, screaming, and crying.
"Yes, perhaps we should go on a... what is it people say, a bender?"
Ophelia snorted into her cup of tea, small droplets spraying into her face and onto the table as she did. She quickly placed the cup back down and brought a hand to her mouth as she cleared her throat, eyes narrowing at Elijah's amused expression as he leaned back in his chair. "Please, never say that again."
"Well, if it can elicit that reaction, I think I will."
"You want me to choke on my tea? Thank you." Ophelia laughed as she dabbed at her face and the table with a napkin. The teasing came to a pause as Ophelia looked up, a soft, yet serious expression adorning her features, "Thank you."
Elijah furrowed his brows, his back straightening as he sat forward just slightly and Ophelia sighed as she tapped her fingers away in the tune of a song on the table, "I know this is a distraction, but I appreciate it anyway."
"This isn't just a distraction, Ophelia. If the outcome had been different, we would still be sat here now; I made a deal, did I not?"
"Mhm, and Elijah Mikaelson always keeps up his end of a deal?"
"I certainly try." Elijah smiled, his eyes watching the way her fingers tapped away before he reached out to cover her hand with his own, "I enjoy spending my time with you."
Her eyes lingered on their hands before trailing back up to his chiseled face as she offered a lopsided smile, "Is it because I save you?"
"Perhaps; I'm not quite used to being a damsel... but I suppose I don't mind if you're the one to come to my aid."
The corner of her lips tugged upwards, her eyes straining to stay on his face instead of moving to catch the way his thumb swiped across her hand, "You best put me on speed dial then."
"You already are."
Before Ophelia could even think of something to reply with, a light buzzing sounded from inside of Elijah's suit jacket and with a swift movement, he procured his phone. The eye-roll he gave the device definitely didn't go unnoticed by Ophelia who rose a brow.
"Niklaus," Elijah spoke in a bored tone. Ophelia watched the varying expressions appear on the originals face before he nodded with a sigh and finally ended the call. He slipped his phone back inside his pocket and met Ophelia's questioning gaze, "It appears that Niklaus needs my attention, I'm terribly sorry to cut this short."
"No worries." Ophelia reassured as she took a long sip on her almost cold tea before sliding her arms into her jacket, "You either see what Nik wants or New Orleans might fall."
"Perhaps we can try this again another time?"
"Definitely. Now, let's go tend to the king."
The sight upon their arrival was a rather curious one at that; a man laid out, completely desiccated with a marking on his forehead. His grey veins trailed up to his face, almost like a path for the eyes to follow towards the cut in his head. Ophelia had never seen such a mark before, but it was made apparent that both Elijah and Klaus had.
The second the body had come into view, Elijah's eyes spark with recognition and a look was shared with his younger brother, a look that didn't go unnoticed by the siphon who had kneeled down next to the vampire; she could feel the magic from the mark.
"What is this? It's like I can feel it; I can feel magic." Ophelia questioned the brothers as she rose to stand, her eyes glancing between the two as the other crowd of vampires muttered between themselves, small looks being sent towards the still corpse.
Klaus, clearly blinded by whatever rage the tiny symbol induced looked down at the body with a venomous glare, "Somebody will die for this."
"Remarkably, I don't disagree." Elijah sighed, "However, I would like to know where they learned such dark magic."
"I had hoped never to see that symbol again. I recall it is the signature of a fool who once stood against us."
"Clearly, some upstart witch is salvaging old tricks."
"I'll do for him as I did the other," Klaus growled as he turned to Diego, who had been sat watching the three observe the body. "Diego, when night falls, I want you to gather every vampire in the Quarter. Get me the head of whoever did this and put it on a stick."
"Yeah. That's gonna be a problem. Everyone is freaked out, man. We haven't had witches killing vampires in a long time. Marcel made sure of that." Diego ranted; bringing the quarters former ruler into the conversation, as ever.
"Marcel has run off like a scared child. You lot are left with me. Now, who of you will fight to defend our home?" The hybrid called out to his 'followers' only for none of them to take a stand nor raise a hand. Klaus scoffed, his eyes brushing over each of the vampires, "Not a single one of you will stand with me, so afraid are you of this new threat? You should know better. I'll handle this myself."
Ophelia frowned as Klaus stormed off, his heavy footsteps echoing throughout the compound; the magic still lingered, even within the dead body at her feet and so, she turned to Elijah for answers, "You've seen this before, what is it?"
"This symbol was once used by a witch named Papa Tunde, he was a dark witch, a former leader of the French Quarter Coven in the early twentieth century. He wished to be a member of our dealings at the time, we said no and so he took it upon himself to gain more power; Klaus, however, studied him and found his weakness; his two sons. Klaus killed them both and then proceeded to do the same to Papa Tunde." Elijah spoke as the pair of them lingered.
Ophelia nodded slowly as she digested the information; of course, how could she not have known that yet another ghost of the Mikaelson's past was coming to haunt them... or at least a mirror image.
Though Ophelia couldn't help but think back to the conversation with Rebekah; Ophelia truly believed that the magic would have resurrected something at least... what if this 'Papa Tunde' was one of the one's the magic flowed into?
i completely forgot to ask you last chapter, what do you think of this new gif sign-off? i've been trying my hand at making some of these for a little while now! n e ways, hope you all enjoyed this chapter, see you next time!
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